Our perfect signature blend for espresso.
It's the fruit of years of research into chocolate and hazelnut notes.
Association Agroexportadora de la Region San Martin is a cooperative established in the Amazonian province of Moyobamba, in the north of the San Martin region of Peru. This region was particularly affected by drug trafficking until 2005. Coffee growing and tourism have since taken over this beautiful province where the Amazon rainforest begins at the foot of the Andes.
Kawa has set up a partnership with this cooperative to work on improving the quality of their coffees by securing the sale of their harvests.
This cooperative brings together 413 farmers from 13 different communities with an average of 2.8 hectares each. Its aim is to improve the living conditions of the farmers and the quality of the coffees by sharing technical tools and knowledge, while respecting nature and the surrounding forest, which is vital to the survival of these communities.