Comandante – C40 Nitro Blade Copper Mountain



The Comandante C40 MK4 manual coffee grinder is a worldwide reference!


The name Nitro Blade comes from the special hardened steel used in its creation which, although extremely difficult to work with, guarantees highly wear-resistant grinding wheels.
The new design of this grinder is highly versatile, enabling it to grind coffee both coarsely (for the piston) and finely (for Turkish coffees).
The cylinder support is also designed to prevent the beans from getting stuck during use.
The grinder adjustment system is located underneath the grinder and is very easy to use. Simply turn the star clockwise for a fine grind, or counter-clockwise for a coarser grind, until you hear a "click" that locks in your choice.
This mill comes with a detailed user manual and 2 containers (one in polymer, one in tinted glass) that can be used as mugs, as they are heat-resistant.


Le moulin Comandante C40 Nitro Blade Copper Mountain est en inox avec un revêtement en poudre de couleur noire.
Le bois de la manivelle est du chêne provenant de la Forêt-Noire.
Chacun des deux récipients peut accueillir jusqu’à 40 g de café moulu (4-5 tasses de café).
Enfin, ce moulin a été conçu sans BPA et garanti à vie (sauf si problème lié à une erreur de son utilisateur ou à un mauvais usage).
Ce moulin existe en plusieurs couleurs différentes, de quoi plaire à tout le monde !

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